Spindle Clamping Collet

Our precision collet and toolholder manufacturer, manufacturers and builds, original clamping collets, standard and dynamic balancing collet clamping systems, toolholders, pull studs and replacement collets for spindles used in automotive, aerospace, aeronautics, military, tooling, machine tool, wood, woodworking, plastic, stone, marble, granite, glass and ceramic industries.

Worn, used, damaged drawbar collets have been replaced in the following spindles brands:

  • Colombo
  • Elte
  • Faemat
  • Gamfior
  • Gildemeister
  • HSD
  • Index
  • Jemco
  • Kessler
  • Omlat
  • Saccardo
  • Schutte
  • SCM
  • SKF
  • Strohm
  • Traub
  • VEM
  • Wickman

The range of spindle clamping collets and replacement spindle collets include:

  • Cat A, B, E, F Standard & Dynamic Balancing clamping collet system
  • ISO, DIN, ASME, MAS 403 PT (BT), JIS P (BT), Cat 1206 clamping collet system

We have replaced Rohm, OTT, Berg and some Riken clamping collets.

Special Note:   Many clamping collet breakages are due to insufficient spindle drawbar pull. To check whether you drawbar force is sufficient, obtain our spindle drawbar force gage. They are available as a gagehead and individual taper adapters to fit any spindle taper that your milling spindles may have. Over time, the Bellville springs wear grooves into the drawbar and this is a place for the drawbar to catch and lose force that should be transmitted to the clamping collet. Eventually, with enough cycles, the Bellville springs will fatigue and break, and drawbar force will decline. If a Bellville spring breaks into 2 pieces, then the drawbar force will decline further when the spring works its way out of the spring pack.   To check if you drawbar still pulls hard enough, click here – Spindle Drawbar Force Gage

Click haviland@precisionspindleinc.com or Contact Us in the footer below, or the header above, for more information!   or Call 519-671-3911