Series PS-A

electrospindles_series_psa_fullA new generation high frequency Electrospindle for machine tools used in high speed finishing of molds and models. They are compact, high performance inductive spindle motors with thermal protection for high duty cycle usage, designed with hybrid ceramic bearings and sealed lubrication to minimizes axial and radial deflection. Models A-1, A-2, A-3 and A-4 are self cooled spindle motors used in high production workstations. They are available with SCHAUBLIN D type collets or manual HSK-C or HSK-E automatic tool change.

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Name Diameter mm Power S1 (100%) Kw Torque S1 (100%) Nm Max speed-grease rpm Max speed-air oil rpm Tool Interface Cooling Download
A-01-S 70 0.8 0.1 80,000 Collets Ø 1-6 Liquid
A-1 96 1,6 0,16 60,000 Collets Ø1-6 Air-Liquid
A-2 115 1,6 0,7 40,000 Collets Ø1-12 Air-Liquid
A-2 TC 115 1.6 0.7 40,000 ISO 10 Schaublin Air-Liquid
A-3 140 3 3,2 24,000 Collets Ø1-20 Air-Liquid
A-4 140 3 3,2 24,000 HSK C-32 Air-Liquid
A-4-TC 140 3 3.2 24,000 HSK-E-32 Air-Liquid
A-5 130 4 4,8 36,000 Collets Ø1-16 Liquid
A-5-P 130 4 4.8 36,000 Collets Ø 1-12 Liquid
A-6 180 12 11 24,000 Collets Ø1-26 Liquid
A-7 180 12 11 24,000 HSK C-50 Liquid
A-8 180 12 11 24,000 HSK E-50 Liquid
A-9 100 4 1,2 40,000 Collets Ø12 ESX 20 Liquid

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