Our chiller facility manufacturers industrial liquid chillers and liquid coolers and offers a complete line of oil and coolant coolers for machine applications. Coolers for Closed-Loop, Open-Loop, In-Line or Drop-In tank applications are available in a wide range of capacities. Precise temperature control is maintained while minimizing downtime in any harsh industrial environment. Our coolers set the standard for quality and reliability of industrial liquid coolers around the world.
In 1990, the company started the manufacture of oil coolers for machine tools. As speed and precision of machine tools increased, the control of temperature and the removal of heat from machine and workpiece became necessary to hold close tolerances. Thus, there are two major areas of concern: 1. Close coolant temperature control of machine components such as spindles, ball screws and machine ways to minimize center line migration and 2. Close cutting fluid temperature control to minimize heat distortion of the workpiece. Furthermore, lower temperature coolants increase tool life while reducing oxidation and evaporation and temperature control of hydraulic oils, lubricants, and coolants help to stabilize workpiece positioning.
Chillers offered today
Today a complete line of oil and coolant coolers is offered for many applications from machine tools to medical equipment, linear motors to hydrostatic bearings, lasers to X-ray equipment, EDM to high-speed spindles. Our coolers provide the precise temperature control of recirculating coolants that is necessary for precision machining and reliable equipment operation.
With capacities from 2,500 to 360,000 BTU/HR, coolers are available for Closed-Loop, Open-Loop, In-Line, or Drop-In tank applications and are specifically designed to cool either water-based coolants, light oil or synthetic coolants. They are available with a long list of options and accessories, allowing an engineer to design the best cooler for the specific application.
Our application engineers specialize in the selection or design of cooling systems for specific customer applications. They are familiar with your applications and our equipment.
Call 519-671-3911, or click haviland@precisionspindleinc.com or Contact Us in the footer below or the header above for more information!