Our spindle manufacturer offers design, build and manufacture of block spindles used in the automotive, aerospace, military, tooling, wood, plastic, stone, marble and glass industries.
Enter the dimensions of your block spindle in the Request a Quote form. We will respond with a quotation.
Please include block Spindle Dimensions – LENGTH “A”, WIDTH “B”, CENTER HEIGHT “C”, OA HEIGHT “D”, BOLT PATTERN “E”, FLANGE WIDTH “F”, BOLT PATTERN “G”, Max RPM, type of internal taper – NMTB, B&S, Morse, Jarno, Straight External Nose, Collet Nose, Straight Quill Nose, Standard External Taper or Other, and Pulley Configuration, Straight Extension with Keyway, Taper Pulley Extension or Other.

Spindle Nose Configurations

Click haviland@precisionspindleinc.com or Contact Us in the footer below, or the header above, for more information! or Call 519-671-3911